Welcome to Planet Gym Dog

Greetings and salutations. Forgive me for not giving up my real name, but since I may step on some toes, I figure it's best to keep my own identity private...kind of like Superman and his alter ego, Clark Kent, somebody I've been accused of looking like. Strangely enough, even though I changed how I wear my hair years ago, I still get that. Must be the wholesomeness thing.

I am sure you're asking, what is Planet Gym Dog? Well, PGD is a place that exists only in my mind, but if it DID exist, it would be one great place. I have a saying, cheesy but my own, that goes like this: "It's always sunny on Planet (my name). Of course, some days are sunnier than others." So PGD is just another name for my happy place (points for you if you get the Happy Gilmore reference). On PGD, I am king of the castle, lord of the manor, and master of all that I survey. The rules are flexible, and common sense is actually used by the residents.

Expect this blog to be about whatever is on my mind at the time. Rants, rages, stories, or whatever I feel like writing about. I'm not trying to impress anybody, and I doubt that I'll win any awards, but I hope you find it interesting anyway.

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