Nurse Jenny may be hot, but...

I'm sure you've seen this before, and I've always hated it: medical personnel in stores in their scrubs.

I'm married to a nurse (yes, she's hot, and no, she doesn't wear a white dress with a weird hat), and when she gets home after a 12 hour shift, the first thing she does is toss her dirty work clothes into the washing machine, after which she promptly takes a shower. And why is that?

BECAUSE SHE DEALS WITH OTHER PEOPLES BODIES ALL DAY! Excrement, urine, sweat, blood...not the sort of stuff you want to deal with while you're at your local super market, right? I mean, I know that (most) nurses are pretty good about wearing the proper protective gear while dealing their patients, but really, does that mean you should stop by Publix on the way home to do your weekly shopping? In a word, NO.

I was at the movie theater a few weeks ago (sorry, I can't remember what movie I was seeing), and I was getting a bottle of water at the snack bar. The guy in front of me was wearing scrubs, and I don't know if he was just off of work or going to work after the movie (yes, I knew he was a nurse by the stethoscope around his neck and he name-tag that had his name and 'RN' under it). Anyway, Nurse Dude, gets his popcorn and then goes and uses the self serve pump to put butter on it. Now, if I had purchased popcorn, I'd have had to use the same pump. Thus, if ND had decided to stop at the movies after a long night shift, he'd be carrying all of those nasty germs and bacteria he picked up at work, and I, by using the same pump (PUSH HERE) would have gotten all of that stuff on my hands, which I'd then use to put the popcorn in my mouth...see where I'm going with this?

I'm in the military, and there are rules about where I can and can't wear my work uniform. Obviously, there isn't a Nurse Uniform Committee that sets the rules for nurses, but maybe there should be. At the very least, the states should be writing the rules, and the hospital administration should be reinforcing them to their staff, so that medical professionals are not wearing filthy uniforms out to public places.

Right now medical people are complaining about too much government oversight, but you know why the government has to be involved? Because people are either too stupid or too lazy to do the right thing by themselves.

I realize, of course, that people need to stop for staples, but is it that hard to think to yourself, "Hey, I need to stop at the store on the way home, maybe I should pack a change of clothes for after work"? I don't think so.

This also goes for the people who work for vets or animal hospitals. It's gross people. GROSS.

Now let's talk about those Crocs, shall we?

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